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tips for making your home energy efficient

Energy Efficiency Increases Home Value

| Clarke & Rush |

3 Ways to Increase Home Value

1. Upgrade for Energy Efficiency

According to a panel of real estate agents surveyed, energy efficiency upgrades that were promoted in home listings proved to be rather valuable. The question is; which energy efficient options should you focus on as the homeowner?

In a 2019 Home-buyers report, put out by the National Association of REALTORS® Research Group,
home buyers found these 6 environmentally friendly upgrades to be most beneficial.

  1. Heat and cooling systems
  2. Windows, doors and siding installations
  3. Energy-efficient appliances
  4. Landscaping for energy conservation
  5. Energy-efficient lighting
  6. Solar panels installed on home

As an example of what you might expect to gain from energy efficient upgrades let’s look at window replacement. If you were to retrofit your home with 10 energy efficient vinyl windows, like Anlin’s Catalina Series, you could see up to a 70% return on the investment, as well as saving significantly on your monthly energy cost.

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2. Update Systems and Appliances

Another way to show value in your home is to assure the buyer that home maintenance issues are not going to present a problem. By ensuring that all your home’s systems and appliances are up-to-date and functioning properly, buyers will be put at ease knowing that they are not walking into a money pit of maintenance issues.

So, if the water heater is older than 10-12 years old you will likely want to replace it. As well, if any appliances or system mechanics are making noise, leaking, or not working as they should, you will want to fix it before putting your home on the market. The roof, too, is a value add. Mid-range roofing replacements that use asphalt shingles have an estimated cost of $22,000, but you can expect to see up to a 68% return on that investment. Impressive!

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3. Improve Technology

As a society, we are becoming far more interested in buying homes that are equipped with widgets and doo-dads. In recent surveys the smart home products homebuyers preferred to have already installed prior to buying a home in the next year are as follows:

  1. Smart thermostats
  2. Smart fire detectors
  3. Smart carbon monoxide detectors
  4. Smart camera
  5. Smart lock
  6. Smart lighting system

So, take a look around. Search and scour the internet for the newest and coolest tech, then contact a local, licensed contractor and get the ball rolling. Deck your home with smart and energy efficient options and you’ll likely see quite a nice return on your home investments.

For HVAC, windows, plumbing, gutters, and insulation you can turn to Clarke & Rush, Sacramento’s original full-service contractor. Trusted since 1963.

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